Monday, 24 November 2014

MTN Surprise Data Plan For SmartPhones vs. MTN Night Plan Package

by Idris O. Aliu

The new MTN Surprise Data Plan for SmartPhones gives you 4.5GB Data Plan For N2500 just like the MTN Night Plan Package but don't get it twisted these two plans aren't the same, despite the similarities they share!

The New MTN Smartphone Plan is quite different from the MTN Night Data Package. If you’ve subscribed for the MTN Night Plan in the past, you should by now be probably aware that you are given a total data volume of 4.5GB (3GB Normal Data + 1.5GB Bonus Data) in which case the 1.5GB bonus data works all time of the day until it is exhausted, even if you choose to browse during the night time (9pm to 6am). The 1.5GB bonus data is what will be charged until it has been exhausted, before the 3GB will be charged. Once you've exhausted the 1.5GB bonus data, you won’t be able to access the Internet during the day time until it’s night time (9pm to 6am).

However, in the case of the new MTN Smartphone Plan you will also get a total of 4.5GB (3GB Normal Data + 1.5GB Bonus Data) but the 1.5GB bonus data will only be charged if you use the Internet during the day time (6.01am to 8:59pm). The 1.5GB bonus data will NOT be charged whenever you access the Internet during the night time (9pm to 6am), only the 3GB data will be charged.

On top of the aforementioned upsides of the new plan, virtually every smartphone or mobile device can also use this new plan -- Android devices (phones and tablets), Windows phones, iOS devices (iPhone, iPad) and Blackberry 10 phones. The new plan also works on PC computers like the desktop and laptop.

To subscribe for the MTN Smartphone Plan, simply have a minimum credit balance of N2500 on your MTN line and then send (text) 120 to 131 to get it activated.

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