Tuesday, 9 September 2014


Musician Keith Sweat once said, "There's a difference between who we love, who we settle for, and who we're meant to be with." I think I agree with him here!

At times  in a relationship we eventually settle for someone out of rational behaviour or the possible effect of what the union could produce, and not solely out of love and emotional chemistry. From time immemorial, marriages have taken place out of other reasons and not just out of feelings or love alone. When it comes to marriage, people had always considered the possible effect of a marriage, even before considering the marriage itself. Someone may be married for his or her wealth, for his or her family status, for his or her looks and for his or her piety. People go into marriages not only just because of love or emotional chemistry. It could be to cement family ties or to cement friendship between families. It could be because of fame or the other person's social status. It could be because of the other person's physical appearance or looks. It could be as a result of religious compatibility. It could be on health grounds or simply because the other person is a good care giver. In recent times, blood or genotype compatibilty has become the norm before considering marriage.

Today, it is wise for you and your partner to find out what your blood genotype is, long before you even consider marriage. Your blood genotypes are inherited through the contributions from your father and mother.

And just for the case of mentioning genotypes, you could have:

- Regular Genotype: AA (healthy as healthy can be).

- Traits: AC, AD, AF, AG, A+FAST, AE and AS (not associated with any clinical signs, symptoms or syndromes - they are as relatively as healthy as AA).

- Genotypes associated with clinical features: SS, SC, CC (are associated with clinical signs, symptoms and syndromes).

People with SS genotype are those with sickle-cell anemia syndrome commonly known as (sickler).

The bottomline here is to avoid a combination which could result into offsprings with SS, SC and CC genotypes. These children would suffer because of the severe health conditions associated with such genotypes.

Now let's do the calculations with you and your partner based on the four common genotypes amongst people from the negroid race:

You + your partner= your children

AA + AA= all AA i.e 100% AA children
AA + AS= 75% AA and 25% AS children
SS + AS= 75%SS and 25%AS children
SS + SS=100% SS children
AA + SS=100%AS children.
AS + AS= 50% AS, 25% AA and 25%SS children.

Of course there are many cases where AS couples had up to five or six children without a single sicklier among them. But why risk it? What if you're not so lucky? Can you forgive yourself when you end up having a child with the sickle cell disease and put the child through the agony the disease brings when you could have easily avoided it? Of what benefit is it to bring a child to the world to come and suffer?

We shouldn't let our search for happiness affect other people's happiness, particularly the happiness of our offsprings. That would amount to selfishness on our own part. A child has every right to be healthy and happy, and no child would be happy with you in the future if he or she discovered your choice in life was his or her own source of unhappiness or ill health.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

How To Use GTBank Token Device

Online banking allows you to check your account balance in real time, transfer funds/ payments to anyone locally or internationally (if you have a domiciliary account). It also allows you convert your foreign currency into local currency. If you use GTBank Internet banking platform, you will also be able to print your statement from the Internet banking platform. In addition to the aforementioned benefits, you will also be able to pay your utility bills, request, confirm and stop cheques and book flight tickets on the following Airlines ( British Airways, Iberia, Lufthansa German Airliness, Aviareps-Afriqiyah Airways , Delta Air Lines, Alitalia Airline). GTBank Internet banking platform allows you 24/ 7 access to your GTBank account anywhere you are in the world, provided you have access to the Internet.

If you bank with Guaranty Trust Bank Plc. (GTBank Plc.) and want to start doing your transactions online, you'll have to visit any branch of the bank to request for their Internet Banking Form or simply download and print it via the following link if you have Internet access:


Fill and return the Internet Banking Form there at the bank, and then wait for them to set it up for you and give you your login details. You can also scan and email it to: internetbanking@gtbank.com if you are indisposed to walk into the bank. But in this case you'll have to contact GTConnect (GTB Contact Center ) to obtain your login details (Username and Password).

Ensure you maximize the benefits of Internet Banking with GTBank, by applying for the token device at the same time. A Token is a small security hardware like a key holder that generates a set of numbers which will enable secure transfers via the Internet banking platform. It generates a random password which will then be keyed in after the password to enable transfer. It's simply a small electronic device which helps secure your online banking transactions. GTBank Token device gives you optimal protection against online thefts, hackers and fraudsters. It is the key that grants you full access to carry out 3rd party transfers and payments online via the GTBank Internet Banking platform anywhere in the world.

You need the GTBank token device to activate your Internet banking account and also need it for your subsequent transactions in order to further secure your account from unauthorized transfers. The set of numbers generated should be entered when you are doing any transaction on the GTBank website.

GTBank will debit N2,100 or so for the Token device once you log into their site and activate your Internet Banking account (or Naira MasterCard). You will get the Token device that very day you apply for it (or they will ask you to come back for it another day) together with a PIN. You will also be provided your default Internet Banking login details (Username/User ID and Password). You need to change this PIN while activating your Internet Banking account on their site. You also need to generate a secret question and answer to enable your transactions.

Steps To Activate Your Internet Banking Account And Your ATM Card For Online Payments:

[1]. After getting your Token device and Internet Banking login details (Username/User ID & Password), visit https://ibank.gtbank.com/ibank3/login.aspx or simply go directly to the GTBank website - www.gtbank.com - and click on "Login" under "Internet Banking". Enter your User ID/Username and Password (issued by GTBank) in the required fields. You will be taken into your Internet Banking account where you will be able to carry out any action you would like to carry out there. Once inside your account, click on the "Get Activation Code" button.

[2]. On the next page, follow the instructions provided and fill the form on the page. Select your card type (MasterCard) and enter the expiry date (which you will find on your ATM card) and then press the little button on your Token. It should display some digits, type in those digits and click on the "Submit" button.

[3]. After you submit, your code will be generated for you. The generation of the code means your ATM card has been activated for online payments. Keep this online activation code away from everyone except yourself, you shouldn't compromise it.

If you are still finding it difficult at this stage, contact GTB Contact Centre by dialing any of the following lines: 0700GTCONNECT (0700482666328), 01- 4480000, 08029002900, 08039003900 and follow the voice prompt or press 2 and 0 to speak to an Agent. Alternatively, email your queries or request to internetbanking@gtbank.com .

WARNING! Your Password (and perhaps even your Username) should be guarded in the same way as your ATM card pin. Keep it away from everyone except yourself, you shouldn't compromise it.

How To Use the GTBank Token Device: 

1]. Go to 'Internet Banking' on www.gtbank.com .

2]. Login into your account.

3]. Click on 'Transfers' at the left bar and choose the options to use there.

4]. Add the amount you want to transfer and enter your secret answer to proceed.

The Token device is required when:

♦Transferring money from your account to another GTBank account or to other bank accounts.

♦Conducting FX transfers.

♦Processing Cash/Draft In transit.

♦Making FX Sales etc.

Note: When conducting any of the aforementoned transactions, you will be required to enter a 6-digit code in a defined field to validate and complete the transaction. This code can be generated by pressing the small gray button on the Token device.

Transactions requiring the usage of the token device:

♦Transferring money to any GTBank account and other banks in Nigeria.

♦Paying your phone bills (MTN postpaid) and Internet services fees (Starcomms).

♦Paying your US Visa fee.

♦Booking flight tickets on the following Airline portals (British Airways, Iberia, Alitalia Airlines, Lufthansa German Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Aviareps-Afriqiyah Airways).

♦Selling foreign currencies from your domiciliary account(s) to the bank.

♦Transferring foreign currencies (US Dollars, British Pounds, Euro) from your domiciliary account to anyone in the world.

♦Placing a standing order on your account.